The following page is for Frequently Asked Questions that often come up in discussions with Home Owners. This is a go-to place to find out about policies and practices in the association.
FAQ Listed by Category
About the HOA, Dues, Gate and Camera Access
The HOA has a closed group Facebook page for the families of Prominence Pointe. Anything that is posted here can only be seen by the members of this group. We hope that this group will help all of us connect with our neighbors in a meaningful way. Share information about contractors, upcoming community events, and even suspicious activities in the area. Help us create a safe and enjoyable community for our families (See the PPHOA Facebook Group). .
• The 2024 Total Annual Per lot of $1,700. Payable 1/2 on January 1st and 1/2 on July 1st.
• The 2024 annual gate fee for the 79 lots behind the private gates are $600 per lot. Payable 1/2 on January 1st and 1/2 on July 1st.
• Special assessments are sometimes required in addition to ensure adequate maintenance / repair / replacement reserves.
Please see the Gate Information area (secured) which includes the Gate Operating Guide as well as other documents regarding the gates. Please report any issue to the HOA gate committee / PacRim. using the group email: email hidden; JavaScript is required.
Please see the Gate Information area (secured) which includes the document, Gate Access Request form.
Upon request from homeowner(s) behind the gate(s) that the gate(s) are opened for an event such as Halloween. Resolution # 11 (link) is drafted with a private event in mind, but the principle is the same for an event such as Halloween. The last several years excluding 2020, based on homeowner’s requests the Board voted to open all the gates Halloween to allow for local trick or treating.
Refer to PP HOA Administrative Resolutions (secured), which specifically includes Resolution # 10 on instructions on how to obtain camera footage from the 3 subdivision entrance cameras.
Leave the gate remote “clicker’s” and mailbox keys for the new homeowner. Notify Dean DesLauriers with PacRim at (907)563-3345, email hidden; JavaScript is required that you are moving and the status of the gate remotes.
Two options: A special code can be established or gates open for set number of hours on a set day. Please complete the Gate Access Request Form (link) and send to the PacRim properties office at email hidden; JavaScript is required. Please see Res. # 11 for more information.
The contractor will be issued a code by PacRim, LLC for access during construction. Complete the Gate Access Request Form (link) and send to the PacRim properties office at email hidden; JavaScript is required or call Dean DesLauriers to set this up at (907) 563-3345 The code will be deleted at the end of construction. Please see Res. # 11 for more information.
Pets, Pet Security and Fences
Occasionally you may find a loose pet which could belong to an owner in the neighborhood. Sharing a quick picture and post on our Facebook site will help reconnect an owner with their pet. If dogs running loose becomes a routine problem or nuisance please call Animal Control at 907-343-8122.
Two (2) dogs, cats or other pets may be kept at a single residence. No pet shall be allowed to run freely. Owners are responsible for collecting and removing pet feces, including when walking pets in the neighborhood. Additionally, the Municipality of Anchorage rules apply to animals/pets (e.g. Barking Dogs, Leash Law, Lost Pets, Scoop the Poop, etc.).
For more information, reference the Declarations and Exhibit C area (secured), specifically the Declarations Article XIII, Exhibit C Section 4 for rules governing animal/pet ownership and responsibilities.
Complete and submit the Modification Approval Request with your proposed fence detailed on it, and a member of the appropriate committee will get back to you within 14 days. Please refer to Declarations and Exhibit C area (secured), specifically Section 26 of Exhibit C of Declarations Article XIII for rules and guidelines on fences.
Improvements, Maintenance, and Storage
Houses must be painted according to the Subdivision Declarations. Prominence Pointe relies on an independent consultant to review and recommend color selections for exterior painting. Please complete and submit the Modification Approval Request and / or the Color Change Approval Request, and the property manager will get back to you within 30 days.
Using shielded and properly directed lighting will reduce light pollution for all owners and allow greater enjoyment of the night sky and aurora when it is active. Additionally, motion sensing spot lights are not to create glare or distraction for drivers and must not be activated by street traffic. Please refer to the Resolutions (secured), specifically Resolution #8 and the International Dark Sky Association website and Model Lighting Ordinance. To learn more, you can click HERE. Owners are requested to inspect their exterior lighting to ensure compliance.
Please complete and submit the Modification Approval Request. NOTE that owners may not begin modifications until written plans and specifications have been submitted and written approval has been obtained from the Architectural Control Committee and / or the Landscaping Committee.
The storage of any Recreation Vehicles (RVs), Boats, ATVs or Snow Machines is prohibited upon any lot, except if it is properly stored in an enclosed garage. Recreation Vehicles (RVs), Boats, ATVs or Snow Machines, on a trailer, may be parked in the driveway during the season in which they are being used. Please refer to the Resolution #12, on RV Parking and Storage by Homeowners.
The HOA requires that lots be maintained. This applies to both vacant lots, and lots with homes. Grass or weeds need to be no higher than 6 inches tall. Grass, weeds, and alders and must be brushed or cut back at least 4 feet from your Lot and the street curb and/or sidewalks edge. Alders, bushes and trees must be cut back so that no part of the branches hang into the vertical projection of the four (4) foot set back. For more information, refer to PP HOA Administrative Resolutions (secured), which specifically includes Resolution #6 on homeowner guidance/ responsibilities regarding overgrown lots/drainage ditch landscaping.
If your lot is out of compliance the Association may fine the owner until the situation is resolved or hire a third party contractor to perform the required maintenance and charge the lot owner/homeowner the actual cost to complete such maintenance. You should not rely of the HOA to perform your normal lot maintenance.
The HOA typically sees ~ 30 lots out of the 159 that require maintenance. The min cost we seen over the years for trimming / mowing is $100- $150. Minor cutting of alders $200 – $650. Alders requiring cutting along part or all property line $1000 – $1500.
Winter and Summer Road maintenance, Yard Cleanup, Trash Removal, and Fire Safety
Link to the Municipality of Anchorage Parking regulation by the Traffic Engineering Department (link).
Key points noted in Appendix A:
1) No person shall park any vehicle upon a street other than an alley in such manner or under such conditions as to leave available less than 20 feet of roadway available for free movement of vehicular traffic. This can be an issue in winter when road width is reduced.
2) No person may park a vehicle on any street, vehicular way or area, or municipally owned parking lot for a period of time longer than 24 hours, except from Friday noon until Monday noon. It’s a good practice not to park on the curves or facing the wrong way.
The South Golden View Rural Road Service Area Board (SGRRSA) plows and sands Prominence Pt Dr, Luna and St Johns. The SGRRSA contractor drives the roads early in the morning when we have a weather event to determine what maintenance is needed. If road conditions are poor please contact one of the SGRRSA Board members. There are 3 SGRRSA board members who live in Prominence Pt, and contact details can be found on the Board of Directors & Committees page, at link.
The HOA plows and sands the private side streets. The HOA contractor drives the roads early in the morning when we have a weather event to determine what maintenance is needed. If road conditions are poor please contact PacRim. Outside normal business hours you can contact one of the SGRRSA board members that live in the Prominence Pt. HOA. Contact details can be found on the Board of Directors & Committees page, at link.
Snow from driveways cannot be shoveled or plowed into the street right-of-way. This is a violation of Municipal Code Title 24.80.090 (See link) and makes our job of maintaining the road significantly more difficult and costly. Refer to the Guidelines for Private Snow Removal Operators document posted on the Neighborhood Infrastructure page, link.
The Prominence Pointe HOA Board of Directors supports the Alaska Department of Fish and Game (ADFG) recommendation to use bear-resistant garbage containers in our subdivision. The Board encourages all residents that have not already done so to switch to bear-resistant containers.
The Anchorage Hillside is bear country; we all need to be aware of bears. Bears are commonly seen in our neighborhood. It’s especially important when bears are awake (April- November) to keep garbage and other bear attractants out of reach of bears.
Secure your garbage so bears can’t get to it. Keep it inside, in a bear-resistant container, and put out the bear-resistant container the morning of trash pickup. If a bear gets into your trash you can be fined. The bear-resistant container will also keep the trash contained on those windy days when the cans blow over.
It’s important that you do not overfill the container preventing the lid from latching. Upsize to the 96 gal size if you are unable to routinely close the lid on the 64 gal size that most of us use.
More information is available at:
ADF&G Bear info
Alaska Waste
The clean up of the gravel from the roads is done in two stages. Once the ice is off the roads an initial pass is made to pick up the bulk of the gravel from the roads. This will be done as soon as the roads are ice free.
Once all the snow has melted from the ditches the main clean up will occurs where the gravel will be removed from the ditches and a complete clean up of the roads will occurs.
This work will be done by two different contractors, the South Goldenview Rural Road Service Area (SGRRSA) has responsibility for Prominence Pt Dr, Luna & St Johns, the HOA contractor does all the private streets.
A dumpster will be spotted in the subdivision for yard spring clean up each year the first weekend in May in conjunction with city-wide cleanup.
Trash is collected on Tuesday mornings. Recycling is collected every other Friday. Occasionally a holiday alters the collection day so please check with Alaska Waste to confirm the schedule if you are unsure.
We occasionally experience high winds which can knock over trash/recycling bins which can blow debris around; or wildlife can gain access and make messes. Approved bins should be put out the morning of pick-up. Lids should be fully closed and secured. If trash is scattered by winds or wildlife, please collect ASAP to help keep our neighborhood clean.
Prominence Pointe HOA follows the Municipality of Anchorage rules (See MOA POLICY: FIREWORKS) regarding use of fireworks as noted in the following link and pasted below. Additionally, the Executive Board has the authority to issue fines, which you can learn more about in the Declarations and Exhibit C area (secured), specifically under Exhibit C, Section 5, NUISANCES.
Prominence Pointe adheres to the Municipality of Anchorage rules (See MOA POLICY: OUTDOOR BURNING) regarding use of outdoor fire places noted in the above link.
Although the Municipality of Anchorage allows open burning (with seasonal/weather restrictions and other limitations) there is no outside burning allowed in Prominence Pointe without Executive Board approval which you can learn more about in the Declarations and Exhibit C area (secured), as per Section 7 of Exhibit C.
Summer Cleanup
Since 2022 and occurring again in 2024, the HOA organized a “chipper day.” Homeowners could place aldars next to the road on a designated day in late May and the association hired a company to come through the subdivision to remove all the alders. The Board will evaluate the need for this each year and notify homeowners if we plan to do it in the future.
A dumpster will be spotted in the subdivision for yard spring clean up each year the first weekend in May in conjunction with the city-wide cleanup.
Getting Involved
We are always looking for neighbors to become involved! Please contact PacRim or a Board member to express your interest in joining a committee or the Board.
Mailbox Use and Issues
For those people who want to know when and where your mail is, sign up for informed delivery. It lets you know what mail is coming and you can view your mail before it gets to you. USPS Informed Delivery provides eligible residential consumers with a digital preview of their household’s incoming mail scheduled to arrive soon. Users can view greyscale images of the exterior, address side of incoming letter-sized mailpieces (not the inside contents) via email or an online dashboard. More information is located at Informed Delivery –
Please visit the local USPS office located at 1221 Huffman Park Dr, Anchorage, AK 99515 or call them at (907) 348-0491.
If there is evidence of Mail Theft of your mail:
(1) Notify your local police.
(2) Place your mail on hold if needed, until you repair or replace your box.
(3) Contact your Local Post Office if you need further assistance. These should be reported to the Post Office, which can be reached at 1-800-275-8777.
If there is evidence of Mail Theft of someone else’s mail:
(1) Notify the US Postal Service at 877-876-2455 or the following website link,
(2) Losses are charted by the Postal Inspection Service to identify problem areas and assist Inspectors in tracking down thieves. Report suspected mail losses to Postal Inspectors by calling 877-876-2455 or at Keep Registered Mail separate from other mail.
(3) Mailboxes are owned and managed by the Post Office, please contact them if issues arise. Do Not Call the HOA regarding mail issues.
Any Other Questions
You can call Dean Des Lauriers, our Association Manager at PacRim Properties, at 907-345-4110.